08/09/2012 19:59

Hi everyone, today my torties got brand new swimming pools, much larger than the old ones. I have been thinking for ages what could I use when the idea suddenly came to me!!  " LARGE PLASTIC DOG BEDS"!!   (The ones without holes in the bottom ) I found some for a great price in a shop near me called Homes discount. I know the Factory Shop sells them as well, much cheaper then Pets 4 homes. Anyway, I put pebbles in so that they can all get in and out easily,then put a path up to it using some edging stones I already had and finally put pebbles all around the outside to keep it dry for them. Well, you should have seen them, they couldn't wait to get in and wallow and kept pushing past me to get in even before I had even finished !! It is a great success and is really easy to clean. When they have all  gone to bed put a little bleech in swirl and leave for 10 minutes or so then put the hose in and leave for another few minutes. You only have to bleech now and again but top up every day with fresh water  letting some out at the same time as filling.. If the water does not get warm during the day and you want to make sure they have a bath you can always add some hot water to warm it up..Mix it up before you put them in.It's really wonderful to see them in the water having fun........